Friday, August 22, 2014

You May Not Be As Helpful As You Think

This is my first week on FMLA leave and some of you may be wondering how it's going. Well, I already have some advice for anyone who may be thinking about or already caring for an elderly friend or relative in his or her home. Check your ego at the door and remember that you are a guest. With a  heart full of love and a head full of great ideas, you certainly have the very best of intentions.  But, hey, you may not be a helpful as you think.
Unless someone is legally incompetent (oh, yeah the lawyer weighs in), you have no business rearranging the furniture, revamping the schedule or otherwise taking charge. There are many different approaches to running a household. Be respectful and understand that your way is not the only way and may not be right for others. Ask what you can do to help. Listen. Stay humble. It's not about you. 
Here's the bottom line. Think about how you would feel if someone came into your home and told you what you should and should not do.
That's it for now. I'll keep you posted.

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