Saturday, September 13, 2014

About That Photo Challenge

So, yes, the 365 day photo challenge continues or should I say is still creeping along? Today is Day 256 which means there are only (do the math) 109 days remaining.  When we started out there were about 10 of us regularly pinning our daily shots to our shared Pinterest board - It was fun while it lasted. Then we slowly began losing folks. Now there are only three of us still at it and two of us are related. Perhaps there is some stick-to-it-iveness in the DNA, Deb Cleveland. 

Photo by Deb Cleveland

People drifted away because they got busy, got injured, got distracted, got bored. One person told me that it didn't feel right just taking a picture every day for no reason other than to post it. (You know who you are, Maureen Hopkins)  Another simply said, "Photography is hard." Some, I suspect, quit because they missed a day or two and thought the photography gods had been offended enough to kick them out. Yes, those were the purists who felt they had somehow failed the challenge. Silly people, I thought the same thing until I missed my first day. I lost three days around the time my mother passed away but I'm back at it.

I love taking at least one photo a day to share. Pardon the pun but it keeps me focused. Focused on things beyond my day to day routine. It keeps me framing and seeing little slices of my world in a different way every day. It also makes me try harder to be a better photographer. It just works for me but I understand why it isn't for everyone. 

I know I should just leave the rest of you alone, but I can't. Maintaining the board this year has made me eager to see what other folks have focused on, framed and chosen to share. I miss your photos, People. I really do. Yeah, even some of the blurry ones taken in low light. So I challenge you to come back if you were in and then were out. I challenge you to join in if you missed all the fun so far. There are still over 100 days left for great picture taking and I want to see yours. 

Photo by Pamela Hodenberg

Here's that link again - Email me if you need an invitation to join in.

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