Saturday, December 19, 2015

It's Time for Another 365 Challenge

I know I said in the last post that I needed to stop telling you what I'm doing with my time now that I'm not working. Well, let's make today an exception. Why? Because it's time for another 365 Day Photo Challenge! As some of you may know, we did one of these in 2014. You can see the results on Pinterest at  You can also look back at previous posts about it if you're so inclined. I'll include those links below.

Why take and share a picture a day every day for an entire year? My quick response would be "Hey, why not?" But some of you may need a bit more convincing so I'll start with this. We all have a camera with us most of the time. We all are living our lives in moments that flash by and are too quickly forgotten. Some of those moments are captured and shared on social media but most are not. Those moments are often lost, but they are special and deserve to be documented. I really believe that the folks who participated last time would agree but I'd love to hear your thoughts so leave a comment below and subscribe to the blog to follow along as we go.

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